Election judges help to insure that the rights of voters are protected on Election Day. The qualifications necessary to become an election judge, and also some of their important duties and responsibilities are listed below.
What are Judges of Election?
Judges of Election are responsible for the administration of election procedures in the polling place on election day. They are in the position of ensuring that the election process is administered fairly and in accordance with the law
How are judges selected?
Election judges are chosen by the Precinct Committeemen and by that Party chairperson of their political party. In each precinct, the party which cast the highest average number of votes at the most recent three gubernatorial elections in the precinct shall be represented by three judges; the party which cast the second highest number of votes at the three most recent gubernatorial elections in the precinct shall be represented by two judges.
What are the qualifications necessary to be an Election Judge?
Be a citizen of the United States;
Be a registered voter in Henry County;
Be of good repute and character;
Be able to speak, read, and write the English language;
Be of good understanding and capable of performing duties;
Not be a candidate for any office in the election and not be an elected Committeeman;
Each Election Judge is required to declare their party preference.
How are Election Judges trained?
Election Judge workshops are held prior to each election. The workshops cover the duties and responsibilities of Election Judges. There is also an Election Judge test given at the workshops. Judges who have attended the class and completed the test will receive $135 for their duties on Election Day. Election Judge pay is reduced for not attending the workshop and completing the test.
What are some of the duties of the Judges of Election?
To open and close the polls
To be responsible for all election materials
To ensure that only qualified voters are permitted to vote;
To give instructions in the method of voting when requested by a voter;
To give assistance to illiterate and physically disabled voters, when requested by a voter.
To maintain order in the polling place throughout the day
Total the vote after the polls are closed, and to certify the election results in that precinct.
How may I become an Election Judge?
Contact the Henry County Clerk's Office by phone: (309) 937-3575
E-Mail Henry County Voter Registration: blink@henrycty.com