Qualifications To Register To Vote:
Be a U.S. citizen.
Be 18 years old by Election Day.
Be a resident of the precinct for 30 days before the election.
Present (2) forms of I.D., one of which shows your current address.
Locations to Register to Vote:
Any Illinois Driver’s facility
Henry County Clerk’s Office/ Voter Registration Office
Henry County Libraries
Henry County Post Offices
Village, Township, or City Offices
Precinct Committeemen
Changing Your Name or Address?
Any change of address within Henry County may be done by signing the back of your current registration card or by a written notice. Mail the correction to the Henry County Clerk’s Office, Attn: Voter Registration.
Any change of name requires the voter to re-register under their new name at any of the locations listed previously.
Any changes of address must be received by the Henry County Clerk’s Office 28 days prior to the next election.
Anyone who moves into or out of Henry County must re-register to vote in their new county to be re-instated or added in Henry County.